Presedintele IICCMER, Dinu Zamfirescu: Pacepa este vinovat de crime impotriva umanitatii. A Romanian prosecutor reveals: “Pacepa’s crimes will be brought before the International Criminal Court of Justice for crimes against humanity” | Ziaristi Online

Presedintele IICCMER, Dinu Zamfirescu: Pacepa este vinovat de crime impotriva umanitatii. A Romanian prosecutor reveals: “Pacepa’s crimes will be brought before the International Criminal Court of Justice for crimes against humanity”

Pacepa-Zamfirescu-Crime-impotriva-umanitatii-Tribunalul-Penal-InternationalO operatiune fara precedent de PR mascat in pseudo-jurnalism si para-activism de tipul “Militiilor Spirituale” are loc in ultima perioada in favoarea agentului sovietic parasutat in tabara americana in 1978, recte tortionarul securist Ion Mihai Pacepa. Vechi legaturi ale agenturii neo-kominterniste din Romania, si nu numai, s-au reactivat la ordin si toarna tone de deseuri media in capul cititorului neavizat. Pana si un comentator oarecare de pe site-ul ziarului “Adevarul“, agresat de aceasta campanie mediatica de toamna, demna de heirupismul cincinalelor comuniste, remarca neaos, pe buna dreptate: “Da’ ce se intimpla ‘fratelo’ de se vorbeste in ultima vreme tot mai mult de Pacepa, mai ceva ca de Base sau regele Cioaba?”.

Intr-adevar: ce se intampla, care este miza? Este cazul sa o deslusim. Din cate se observa, miza are doua incarcaturi, pe care celula Pacepa incearca sa le indese intr-un singur foc:

1) Discreditarea totala a profesorului american Larry Watts, istoric si expert in informatii, care a demonstrat stiintific apartenenta lui Ion Mihai Pacepa la KGB si, prin lucrarile sale documentate, trimite asa-zisul “Raport Tismaneanu” la cosul de gunoi al istoriei;


2) Incercarea disperata de a evita prin presiuni publice si oculte inculparea sa oficiala la Tribunalul International de la Haga pentru crime impotriva umanitatii.

Da, ati citit bine si veti afla mai multe despre aceasta tema, foarte curand. Este vorba de o actiune la care lucreaza de mai mult timp o echipa de avocati si experti in drepturile omului, impreuna cu victimele generalului DIE Ion Mihai Pacepa, si care a transpirat public dupa ce pupilul cuplului ascuns Vladimir Tismaneanu-Marius Oprea de la IICCMER, “militianul spiritual” Andrei Muraru, a transmis o invitatie in Romania, cu aceeasi nota de PR agresiv, numitului Ion Mihai Pacepa, “at large”. Ocazie cu care seful sau direct – e drept, doar de onoare, in cazul in care aceasta exista – presedintele IICCMER Dinu Zamfirescu s-a revoltat public fata de acest act sfidator la adresa victimelor comunismului. Evident, avem de a face cu o culme a ridicolului: un tortionar al regimului comunist, declarat oficial de CNSAS drept “agent al politiei politice comuniste”, este invitat sa tina prelegeri despre experienta sa ca general de Securitate de catre un Institut insarcinat, chipurile, cu “investigarea crimelor comunismului”.

Este interesant de observat si cum dl. Muraru si-a schimbat in numai cateva luni propria imagine despre Pacepa. Daca acum il invita sa lupte cu “istoricii revizionisti” pentru a lumina natiunea, la dezbaterea publica organizata in luna aprilie a acestui an chiar de Institutul pe care sustine ca il conduce, IICCMER, in cadrul Serilor Bucureşti Strict Secret, afirma despre Pacepa, conform presei, urmatoarele: “Şi Andrei Muraru, directorul IICCMER, a arătat că nu se poate pune bază pe afirmaţiile lui Pacepa, acesta falsificându-şi şi ”dosarul de cadre şi autobiografia pentru a ieşi bine”. În opinia sa, Pacepa era frustrat că nu a fost numit şef al spionajului românesc şi era implicat în nişte fapte de corupţie astfel încât ”ar fi picat oricum dacă nu fugea””.

La aceeasi dezbatere, istoricul Liviu Tofan, directorul Institutului Roman de Istorie Recenta conchidea:  ”Generalul Pacepa este un personaj dubios care a contribuit la propria discreditare prin poveştile sale fantasmagorice”.

Cum dl. Tismaneanu, citat de prietenii sai ungureni de la “Forta Civica“, sustine “ca discutia publica despre tortionarii aflati in libertate este binevenita”, atunci haideti sa discutam public, invocand presa de pe ambele maluri ale Atlanticului. “Circ moral“, titreaza Cuvantul Libertatii telenovela stiristica despre invitarea fostului general securist si agent sovietic in Romania, amintind ca directorul Serviciului Roman de Informatii (SRI), George Cristian Maior, a considerat “opera” lui Pacepa, “Orizonturi rosii”, contine „mult neadevăr, minciună şi propagandă”.

Adevarul” subliniaza ca “Dinu Zamfirescu, preşedintele actual al Institutului de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului şi Memoria Exilului Românesc (IICCMER), nu ştia nimic de invitaţia mentionată şi se dezice de un asemenea demers, potrivit unor surse citate de „Cotidianul”. Mai mult, Zamfirescu a afirmat că va “publica în curând documente din arhivele CNSAS ce-l dovedesc pe Pacepa posibil criminal împotriva umanităţii.””

“Dinu Zamfirescu, director adjunct al Institutului (in realitate presedinte – Nota Red. Z.O.), a precizat că Pacepa ar putea lămuri aspecte legate de acţiuni desfăşurate împotriva unor redactori ai postului de radio Europa liberă potrivit unui plan elaborat şi aprobat de general pe când conducea spionajul regimului Ceauşescu, până la fuga lui în Occident, în iulie 1978, potrivit”, citat de DC News.

“Preşedintele onorific al Institutului (IICCMER), Dinu Zamfirescu, surprins de această invitaţie, a afirmat că Pacepa ar trebui să lămurească participarea lui ca general de Securitate la acţiuni îndreptate împotriva unor români care se aflau în străinătate. Istoricul a declarat Antenei 3 că Pacepa a avizat planuri detaliate de represiune asupra unor salariaţi de la Europa Liberă. El s-a referit la Emil Georgescu, redactor al postului, agresat fizic şi la directorul secţiei române de la Europa Liberă. “Aşa ceva poate fi considerat ca o crimă împotriva umanităţii”, a conchis Zamfirescu, într-o intervenţie la Antena 3”, citata de Jurnalul National.

“Preşedintele onorific al Institutului, Dinu Zamfirescu, crede însă că Pacepa ar trebui să răspundă, în primul rând, pentru activitatea sa în slujba fostului regim opresiv. Astfel, Zamfirescu a declarat pentru România TV: “Eu sunt destul de mirat că s-a făcut această invitaţie, dar asta nu înseamnă că domnul Pacepa nu ar trebui întrebat asupra unor activităţi pe care le-a avut în special asupra salariaţilor de la Europa Liberă, încercări de compromitere şi chiar agresare fizică. Aşa ceva poate fi considerată ca o crimă împotriva umanităţii”, transmite RTV.

“Generalul Mihai Pacepa a avut două funcţii în anii ’70: şef adjunct al Departamentului de Informaţii Externe (spionaj) şi consilier personal al lui Ceauşescu. Poziţiile ocupate i-au permis să pună la punct planuri de măsuri orientate împotriva opozanţilor regimului. Unul dintre acestea a fost legat de intenţia de lichidare a jurnalistului postului de radio Europa Liberă, Emil Georgescu. „În acest plan de măsuri se cerea «intensificarea măsurilor de compromitere şi izolare (…) cu sarcina (…) de a întări versiunea potrivit căreia acesta este vechi informator al organelor de securitate române”, ne-a declarat preşedintele Consiliului Ştiinţific al Institutului de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului şi Memoria Exilului Românesc (IICCMER), Dinu Zamfirescu”, scrie Ziarul Ring, care intra in amanunte binevenite:

“Preşedintele IICCMER, Andrei Muraru, nu l-a înştiinţat pe preşedintele consiliului ştiinţific, Dinu Zamfirescu, cu privire la invitaţia făcută generalului Pacepa. „Domnul Muraru este preşedinte executiv şi sigur că poate iniţia diverse acţiuni. Nu mă deranjează neapărat că nu m-a înştiinţat, dar este o chestie de elementară politeţe, zic eu. Sigur că dacă ar fi venit Pacepa, cred că aş fi intervenit într-un mod mai direct. În orice caz, dacă mi se va cere, voi sprijini institutul, mai ales că am avut posibilitatea să văd atât dosarul lui Pacepa, cât şi dosarele acestor oameni pe care regimul comunist căuta să-i anihileze”, a încheiat dl Zamfirescu. Jurnalistul Emil Georgescu, bătut şi înjunghiat de 28 de ori Cuprinsul teribilului document suna ca o execuţie rece, programată în cele mai mici amănunte. „La punctul 6 se prevedea ca «prin intermediul informatorului Barba Geza (…) va fi organizată molestarea repetată şi aplicarea unor măsuri de corecţie fizică lui Emil Georgescu, în scopul intimidării şi determinării acestuia de a părăsi teritoriul RF Germania»”, a continuat dl Zamfirescu. Ce a urmat se cunoaşte: jurnalistul a fost bătut de mai multe ori şi înjunghiat (a avut 28 de plăgi de cuţit!), dar a scăpat, ca prin minune, de fiecare dată”. Pentru ziarul citat Dinu Zamfirescu mai afirma: „Trădarea faţă de Ceauşescu este foarte bună, dar asta nu înseamnă că Pacepa a ajuns general pentru că era un îngeraş.” si „Pacepa nu a fost făcut întâmplător general, ci datorită unor «merite» faţă de regimul Ceauşescu.”Pana si HotNews, desi incerca sa evite subiectul, din prea mult servilism fata de “cauza”, insereaza in stirea sa si un extras video de la B1Tv, in care Dinu Zamfirescu, presedinte de onoare al IICCMER si membru al Colegiului Consiliului National pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securitatii (CNSAS) face aceeasi afirmatie transanta: ca detine dovezi clare privind faptul ca Ion Mihai Pacepa se face vinovat de crime impotriva umanitatii. (vedeti video mai jos)

Si iata cum operatiunea de dezinformare grosolana si inflentarea a opiniei publice si factorilor de decizie pusa la cale de gruparea de piaristi pacepisti se intoarce singura impotriva clientului si sefului lor, tortionarul Pacepa, agent al politiei politice comuniste si posibil viitor condamnat ineternational pentru crime impotriva umanitatii.

Pentru ca, de peste Ocean, dintr-o publicatie extrem de respectabila in lumea americana, este vorba de National Catholic Register, unde se analizeaza intr-o cronica de carte recenta aparitie editoriala de propaganda si dezinformare a lui Pacepa, din care real este doar titlul – “Disinformation”, ni se reitereaza, intr-un comentariu sec si la obiect, afirmatia noastra si a dlui Zamfirescu privind crimele contra umanitatii de care se face vinovat tortionarul comunist:

“As a Romanian prosecutor, and presently lawyer active also in the the human rights field, I am aware that Pacepa’s crimes will be brought before the International Criminal Court of Justice for crimes against humanity committed for 27 years while he was at the helm of the Romanian Securitate. A young group of honest scholars and human rights advocates are at this time assembling the documentation which will be publicly released this fall in the presence of a number of Pacepa’s victims.”

Interesant, nu? E vorba de un fost procuror care vorbeste si ne informeaza ca, in aceasta toamna, cazul tortionarului Pacepa va fi adus in fata Curtii Penal Internationale pentru crime impotriva umanitatii comise timpr de 27 de ani cat a fost stab al Securitatii. Cu un procuror, dar de la DNA, in mod cert ar trebui sa faca cunostinta in curnad si dl. Tismaneanu, pentru fraudele comise impreuna cu dl Patapievici la ICR.

La acelasi articol din “National Catholic Register” – intitulat ‘Disinformation’ and a Dubious Source – aflam inca un comentariu interesant, venit din partea lui Edward G. Stafford, absolvent al National Defense Intelligence College si fost atasat militar la Ambasada SUA din Bucuresti, in prezent pe o functie similara la Ambasada SUA din Ankara:

“I read your piece on with interest, in particular your references to Larry Watts, Ph.D., whose contributions to cementing Romania’s place in NATO and the Trans-Atlantic community have been under-appreciated.  Through his solid scholarship and sound advice, Larry contributed mightily in shaping the post-Communist Romanian leadership’s appreciation for the importance of respect for human rights, positive ethnic relations, and democratic Civilian-Military relations.  I know first-hand that his efforts to inculcate democratic values and develop democratic institutions in Romania were invaluable.  Given the reliability of Romania as an ally of the U.S. and the West, it is clear that his efforts have borne good fruit.  “A fructibus eorum cognoscetis.””

Mergand apoi la un material de propaganda pe tema “invitarii oficiale de catre Guvernul roman” (?!) a fostului securist si nomenclaturist comunist, articol aparut in publicatia americana ca ii face aproape zilnic lui Pacepa apologia infractiunii – este vorba de WMD – aflam un comentariu care pune capac minciunilor in lant distribuite de echipa de zgomote a fostului ideolog si nomenclaturist comunist Vladimir Tismaneanu:

Larry L. Watts:

Mr. Moore,

First, Mr. Woolsey specifically contradicted the claim that when he was CIA director Mr. Pacepa admitted to being a KGB agent in Mr. Woolsey’s office. Mr. Pacepa misattributes that allegation to me although I have never written, said, nor insinuated any such thing. Mr. Woolsey trusted Pacepa on this point rather than verifying for himself and now regrets his challenge to my veracity. For my references to Mr. Pacepa and their evidentiary foundations I invite your readers to consult, or my book With Friends Like These: The Soviet Bloc’s Clandestine War Against Romania (2010).

Second, in Mr. Pacepa’s own words to a 2004 panel that included Mr. Woolsey and Vladimir Bukovsky, “I was a KGB agent for 27 years, I left it 25 years ago” (at – Symposium: KGB Ressurection). Throughout his writings, including his most recent volume, Mr. Pacepa insists that he received his orders from the highest echelons of the KGB – the definition of a KGB agent.

Third, Mr. Pacepa attempts to besmirch my character by claiming that “Watts had settled in Romania during Ceauşescu’s reign and had worked for Ceauşescu’s brother, General Ilie Ceauşescu.” (Disinformation: 340) I did none of those things. I conducted research in Romania on U.S. Fulbright, IREX, and National Resource grants (and did several stints at Radio Free Europe) on-and-off during 1981-1984. From 1985 on I was conducting research at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., doing contract work for the U.S. Government, completing doctoral work at UCLA while working as a RAND consultant, and teaching at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Finally, I am not a Romanian-American. I have never requested, nor been granted, Romanian asylum or citizenship. My residence in Romania during the 1990s was driven by my work on inter-ethnic mediation, security sector reform, and that country’s integration into NATO. My residence in Romania continues to be on the basis of temporary visas.

Larry L. Watts

In concluzie, retineti: Pacepa = crime impotriva umanitatii. De ce vrea sa scape tortionarul: procesul de la Tribunalul Penal International, condamnarea, arestarea si un sfarsit demn de Rudolf  Hess. Un Rudolf Hess al “Marelui URSS”.

Victor Roncea / Ziaristi Online


darnellecheri Larry L. Watts

I remember reading the 2004 Front Page Magazine interview,”KGB Resurrection,” and what General Pacepa actually said was, “I spent 27 years working for the KGB, and defected from it 26 years ago.” Working for them indeed, just like Bulgaria Intelligence, and Hungarian Intelligence, and Czech Intelligence. You must infer with all your learning that in the Soviet Bloc orbit none of these agencies were truly autonomous entities, but de facto worked for the KGB. I certainly do not infer a confession of being a KGB agent.

  • Dinica peromaneste darnellecheri

    Mr. Pacepa and his US based following cannot have the cake and eat it too. The cornerstone here is Mr. Pacepa’s statement: “I spent 27 years working for the KGB.”

    If the Romanian intelligence services were to be embedded into the KGB the way Pacepa claims, it follows that he must have been a KGB agent, as in taking and executing orders from Moscow–otherwise, how are we to understand his ascension through the ranks and the first part of his statement, “I spent 27 years working for the KGB?”


    The Romanian intelligence services were indeed autonomous, yet Mr. Pacepa spent 27 years of his service working for the KGB. If I am not mistaken, I think this is what the evidence marshaled by Mr. Watts is also supporting. Now, what do you call one working for the KGB, from inside an autonomous intelligence service?

    BTW, had the US or any other Western intelligence service received information pointing to the fact that Mr. Pacepa might have been something other than a communist super-spy before his alleged defection to the West?

    So, to return to the cake analogy: We want to believe that Mr. Pacepa had inside/highly valuable information about the KGB, yet we don’t want to understand that in order to acquire that it takes not only 27 years of working for them, but also to be one of them.

  • Larry L. Watts darnellecheri

    If we are to quibble then I agree, we should be more precise. Mr. Pacepa actually said “I spent 27 years of my life working for the KGB, I defected from it 26 years ago. Today most of the top governmental positions in Russia are held by former KGB officers.” Mr. Pacepa seems to be implying – or rather stating clearly – a personal affiliation with the Soviet-era KGB.

    Mr. Pacepa does argue that Romanian intelligence was subordinate to the KGB. Post-Cold War archival revelations from within the Warsaw Pact simply do not support this contention. On the contrary, they consistently describe a relationship of semi-overt hostility. I would draw your attention the virtual archives of the Wilson Center’s Cold War History International Project, to the evidence of former KGB foreign counterintelligence chief Oleg Kalugin, to the findings of Germany’s Gauck Institute, and to the work of the various National Memory Institutes that have been established among the former bloc members. (See e.g., Georg Herbstritt, “Refused Cooperation: The Relation Stasi – Securitate and Romania’s Aspirations to Independence” in The NKVD/KGB Activities and its Cooperation with other Secret Services in Central and Eastern Europe 1945-1989 (Bratislava, Nation’s Memory Institute, 2008))

    If you are arguing that high-level penetration of an intelligence service reduces its autonomy, or that the necessity of multiple interest reconciliation and resource differentials impinge on an allied service’s autonomy, then I would agree with you. And note that under that definition U.S. intelligence and that of its NATO allies also lacked “true autonomy.”

    darnellecheri Larry L. Watts

    That is not quite how the interview is stated, but let’s not quibble. At the end of the day, all of us must choose whom to believe, and stand behind our decision. With all your prestigious education and knowledge, Mr. Watts, you could not stop the oppression that was happening in Romania. You know how the country was reduced to a third world type of state, as well as rapidly evolving into a pseudo-North Korean satellite. The country was bled dry of its resources, and vast amounts of the population were literally dying to get out. I find a direct correlation to the exposure of General Pacepa’s “Red Horizons” to the uprising of the Romanian people to the end of their nightmare. I find no correlation anywhere else, by anyone else, whose actions led to the demise of a ruthless dictator. Say what you will. Say what you must. But I choose to believe General Pacepa, not by what he proclaims, but by the fruit that followed his actions.

    • Dinica peromaneste darnellecheri

      darnellecheri: To paraphrase the late senator Moynihan, one is entitled to his own beliefs, but not to his own facts.

    • Larry L. Watts darnellecheri

      I did not intend to contest anyone’s faith. And I certainly share the conviction that Ceausescu in 1989 was a repressive dictator unable to comprehend the suffering of his people and the need for drastic reform, and very probably incapable of leaving office in any other manner than feet first. I also agree that Pacepa dealt Ceausescu’s reputation a crushing blow.
      That said, chronology and other correlation are not necessarily causation.

      Pacepa did not limit his blows to Ceausescu’s reputation, nor even to Ceausescu’s lifetime.

      And Pacepa’s continued activities had an impact on U.S. national interests that is still being evaluated.

    Dinica peromaneste Larry L. Watts

    In light of Mr. Watts’ clarifications, I wonder whether Mr. Moore himself has been subjected to Disinformation. I hope so, however regrettable that may be, for the alternative is that we, the readers, are subjected to disinformation.


    Sadly, it is becoming evident that WND is just continuing the work that News Corp started with the six-hour marathon interview with Pacepa at a third-hand Romanian television News Corps owns. Secondly, as a Romanian who lived under communist Romania and went through its hell during the worst period of that country’s “Golden Age” let me tell you this: Pacepa was never and will never be our hero. He is a traitor and first, before being invited to speak about others’ war crimes (we mostly know them by now, so his “help” is worthless) he needs to start confessing about the people he persecuted personally. Being a two-star General in the Securitate (grades that he proudly keeps attached to his name to this day –sick–) he must have signed numerous orders for persecution of those who defected or opposed the communist agenda. Pacepa is no hero. He is a double-traitor. He betrayed Romania and Romanians during his 27 years (started right out of college) of being a Secret Police Securitate puke. Secondly, after Ceausescu realized that high-level Securitate pukes were double agents for the KGB, he started a Reform in the Securitate system. Pacepa knew this was coming for him too. So he arranged for his family to leave the country at the same time he did. That’s when he betrayed Romania and Romanians a second time by telling soviet lies and working so assiduously to poison the Romanian-American relationship. This invitation Mr. Moore, you are talking about, is extended by a former subordinate of Mr. Vladimir Tismaneanu, friend and fervent defender of Mr. Pacepa. So, you see, this clique of so-called “benefactors” of Romania are helping each other and propping each other. I will refer you, Mr. Moor and WND, to the actual facts and documents. Start there. And start consulting the Romanian media as well, see what Romanian academicians, politicians, journalists and common people are really thinking about Mr. Pacepa. This invitation by the “Romanian Government” as you like to put it, is nothing more but another exercise of disinformation. Perhaps you should read in Romanian media what we really think about Mr. Pacepa. Please STOP this attempt to rehabilitate Mr. Pacepa. Ceausescu was evil and there’s no denying in that. However, his Foreign Policy is a compeltly different story and you better start informing yourselves before pursuing this right-wing-agenda and God-knows-what-else you and your corporation of puppetry have in mind.

Presedintele IICCMER: Pacepa poate fi inculpat pentru crime impotriva umanitatii de ZiaristiOnlineTV


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  2. Pingback: Interviu cu o fantomă a lui Tismăneanu: Ion Mihai Pacepa. Tî gavariş’ pa angliiski, tavarîş Dan Andronic? | VA RUGAM SA NE SCUZATI, NU PRODUCEM CAT FURATI!

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