Socialistul Victor Bostinaru ne mustra intr-un Drept la Replica. Europarlamentarul Roger Helmer despre Bostinaru si Rosia Montana | Ziaristi Online

Socialistul Victor Bostinaru ne mustra intr-un Drept la Replica. Europarlamentarul Roger Helmer despre Bostinaru si Rosia Montana

Ca urmare a articolului nostru informativ Rosia Montana naste scantei intre jurnaliste. Magdalena Moreh de la TVR vs Cristina Horvat alias Lavinia Sandru de la, in care ii luam apararea unei colege de presa atacata murdar – fara “drept la replica” – de un pseudonim din, socialistul Victor Bostinaru ne trimite un Drept la Replica, prin “tag”-uire pe Facebook (!). Spre deosebire de publicatia online care a calomniat-o pe colega noastra, iata ca noi, “malitiosii” ziaristi prinsi de dl Bostinaru “Alaturi de Presedintele Nostru”, redam mai jos din pozitia acida a europarlamentarului stangii internationaliste:

“La două săptămâni după ce am iniţiat o dezbatere privind proiectul de la Roşia Montană în Parlamentul European, grupul Ziarişti Români de pe Facebook publică pe portalul lor un articol maliţios, care nu serveşte prin conţinutul lui nici corectei informări şi nici nu face cinste celor „690 de jurnalişti din întreaga ţară şi din Republica Moldova” care formează acest grup.

Nu doresc să intru în polemica dintre doamna Magdalena Moreh şi, însă îmi menţin afirmaţiile din comunicatul de presă post eveniment, cu atât mai mult cu cât, aceste fapte s-au desfăşurat sub privirile participanţilor români şi străini.

Fără nici un fel de intenţie de a da lecţii cuiva sau de a interveni în exercitarea profesiei de jurnalist, constat că este foarte greu să îţi formezi o opinie despre conţinutul dezbaterilor susţinute de importante personalităţi ştiinţifice româneşti sau distinşi reprezentanţi ai Comisiei Europene şi ai Consiliului, câtă vreme nu ai participat la acestea şi nu ai făcut nici efortul de a analiza informaţia disponibilă pe website-ul Parlamentului European şi al meu.

Doresc să cred că atât opinia exprimată în acest articol, precum şi adeziunea la grupul de susţinere a lui Traian Băsescu nu este împărtăşită de toţi aceşti jurnalişti”, mai afirma, inchizitorial, socialistul Bostinaru, care ofera si “dovada-dovada” (foto). Am fost “prinsi” pe Facebook “Alaturi de Presedintele Nostru”, Traian Basescu. Speram sa nu fim primii arestati in viitorul regim al “rosilor” lui Ponta si Antonescu.

Pentru ca nu ne propunem sa intram intr-o polemica futila cu reprezentantul unei ideologii re-resapate care a produs sute de milioane de crime in secolul trecut, preferam sa prezentam – in loc de “drept la drept la replica” – pozitia unui coleg de-al sau, parlamentarul britanic Roger Helmer, cu privire la euro-matrapazlacurile lui Victor Bostinaru, care compromit statura pe care ar trebui sa aiba un membru al Parlamentului Europen.

Are cuvantul Roger Helmer, MEP:

Recently I accompanied a delegation of the European parliament’s Petitions Committee to Romania, to look inter alia at a proposed gold mining project at Rosia Montana.    There are environmental concerns about the extraction of gold, a process which uses cyanide.  At the same time the project offers a huge economic and employment opportunity in one of the poorest parts of the EU.

In Romania, we heard a broad range of views.  While I am no expert on mining and mining waste, I formed the view that adequate safeguards were in place and that on balance the huge potential benefits outweighed the risks.  The challenges of gold extraction are there to be managed, not to be fled from in terror.

One of our Romanian colleagues, Mr. Victor Bostinaru, organised a “debate” in the parliament today on the issue.  I say “debate”, but what Mr. Bostinaru had organised was in fact a deliberate hatchet job, presumably designed for political consumption at home, in which he systematically and deliberately sought to deny airtime to any opinion but his own.  His behaviour was such an affront to parliamentary norms that I felt moved to write to the Chairman of the Petitions Committee, Erminia Mazzoni MEP, to draw it to her attention.

Dear Erminia,

I thought that in your capacity as Chairman of the Petitions Committee, you might be interested in the Hearing organised and chaired this morning by our colleague Victor Bostinaru on the subject of the Rosia Montana gold mining project.  You will recall that a delegation from the Petitions Committee recently visited Romania, and heard from both supporters and objectors to the project.  I have taken an interest in this debate, and I attended the hearing from the start, at 9:30.  The agenda provided for a general debate at 10:20, after three speakers, and before a second round of five further speakers.

The representative of the Danish Presidency presented a speech which almost totally lacked content or relevance to the issue.  The Commission speaker Michel Sponar gave a very competent presentation on the Directive on Mining Waste.

Apart from that, every single speaker, including Bostinaru, Leinen, Catalin Ivan, and Stephanie Roth (of the Ecologist magazine) engaged in a relentless hatchet-job on the Rosia Montana project.

I had anticipated making some remarks during the “Debate” session, but the Chairman decided because of time pressure to go straight on to the second panel.  I therefore asked to make a point of order, which Mr. Bostinaru refused.  I nevertheless stated my objection briefly, and I hope courteously, but robustly.  This is not how we expect these things to be done in the European parliament.  If we are to have a debate, both sides need to be represented.

Mr. Bostinaru’s refusal to take an intervention from a colleague, or even to take a point of order related to the agenda, showed a great and reprehensible disrespect for the practices, customs and values of this House, and an outrageously partisan approach from the Chair.

I should add that the only balanced and sensible contribution came from the Commission.  I was impressed by Mr. Sponar’s presentation on the Directive on Mining Waste, which seemed very thorough and rigorous.  I am no expert on mining waste, but given the existence of the comprehensive and detailed EU law, and the supervision which will be exercised by the Commission and the national authorities, it seems to me that the balance of argument, in view of the economic opportunity offered by the project, is positive.

I sincerely hope that Mr. Bostinaru’s approach to Chairmanship in this House will not be allowed to become a precedent.

Best regards.


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