Richard Andrew Hall: 9 decembrie 1989. Iasul putea fi Timisoara | Ziaristi Online

Richard Andrew Hall: 9 decembrie 1989. Iasul putea fi Timisoara

Data de 9 decembrie 1989 are un loc straniu si interesant in istoria Revolutiei Romane din decembrie 1989.

“Capitan Roman Marin, compania 1 de pompieri Iasi:  “Stiiti ce?  Sa fii in oras, pe 14 decembrie 1989, si sa nu observi ce se intimpla inseamna una din doua:  ori este prea fraier, ori… O vreti p-aia dreapta?  Pe 7-8 sau 9 decembrie a venit de la Bucuresti [la Iasi] generalul Olteanu cu o garnitura de tren plina cu trupa.  I-au cazat pe la ‘Unirea’, ‘Traian’ si ‘Moldova’”

Adevarul, 23 februarie 1990.

Integral pe site-ul Romanian Revolution of December 1989

Despre Richard Andrew Hall, analist CIA:

Richard Andrew Hall

Contact e-mail:

Born 1966

[Below Excerpted from a curriculum vitae, submitted 18 August 2010; approved by CIA’s PRB with redactions 27 August 2010.]

Overview of Scholarly Research and Writings

Much of my scholarly research has focused on the events, historiography, and legacy of the Romanian Revolution of December 1989.  In December 2009, the Romania Libera daily published a three-part series (22, 22, and 23 December 2009) reprising several chapters from my 1996 dissertation.   Other sources have used my 1999 East European Politics and Societies article, my 2000 Europe-Asia Studies article, or my more recent work on the Internet since joining CIA in September 2000 (see below).

Examples of Use of My Research and Writings

Richard Andrew Hall, “The Uses of Absurdity: The Staged War Theory and the Romanian Revolution of December 1989,” East European Politics and Societies vol. 13, no. 3 (1999): 510-542.

Hall is a CIA analyst. The article tackles issues of interpretation of the 1989 revolution by political scientists, historians and journalists. Hall argues against the “staged war” conspiracy theory. He claims that the “terrorists” responsible for fighting on in late December were members of the Securitate, and he shows that Securitate accounts are responsible for spreading rumors that the violence in December was staged in order to create the myth of a heroic revolutionary origin for the National Salvation Front that had merely staged a palace coup in deposing Ceauşescu.

[Making the History of 1989 is an online database for teachers and students. The educational site provides teaching materials including scholar interviews, teaching modules, case studies and primary sources related to the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe. The digital history project was created by the Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University.[1] The project received funding and other assistance from the National Endowment for the Humanities and from the German Historical Institute located in Washington, D.C.  Description from ]

Colin Woodard, “Probing Romania’s cryptic revolution,” Global Post, December 18, 2009, at

Independent researcher Richard Andrew Hall points to substantial evidence that shadowy anti-revolutionary forces were involved in the intense fighting in the days after Ceausescu’s flight. Hall has posted research papers pointing out widespread accounts of people being injured or killed by dum-dum bullets, which are designed to shatter inside the body to maximize organ damage and are outlawed under the Geneva Conventions. Ordinary army and police units did not stock such ammo.

“Let us hope that on the twentieth anniversary of the Revolution we may be able to read serious investigations of the ballistics evidence, rather than be subjected to the false and jaded refrain [that] such things did not exist,” Mr. Hall concluded.

(Hall’s current employer — the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency — has allowed him to publish his personal research, but does not permit him to give interviews.)

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