Atrocitatile comise asupra sarbilor din Kosovo. Documentar BBC despre traficul de organe si crimele mafiei UCK conduse de “premierul” Hashim Thaci. VIDEO
BBC VIDEO: Horrors of KLA prison camps revealed
BBC VIDEO: Horrors of KLA prison camps revealed
These acts had been committed by members of the “Kosovo Liberation Army” (KLA/UCK) militia against Serbian nationals who had remained in Kosovo at the end of the armed conflict and been taken prisoner
Report identifies Hashim Thaci as ‘big fish’ in organised crime. Kosovo’s prime minister accused of criminal connections in secret Nato documents leaked to the Guardian
Preşedintele Vaclav Klaus a declarat că nu va numi un ambasador al ţării sale în Republica Kosovo atât timp cât se va afla la conducerea statului ceh, relateaza postul Radio Cehia, citat de agentia de presa KARADENIZ PRESS.