How the Romanian Secret Service killed “the Bessarabian Revolution” – by Charles Upson Clark
They were engaged in Kishineff in trying to get their comrades out of jail by means of bribes, when the Romanian Secret Service laid hands on them all.
They were engaged in Kishineff in trying to get their comrades out of jail by means of bribes, when the Romanian Secret Service laid hands on them all.
Liderii români de la Bucureşti nu au fost de atâtea ori oaspeţii Casei Albe, precum liderii români de la Chişinău. Pe la Bucureşti nu s-au perindat atât de mulţi înalti emisari americani şi vest europeni, ca pe la Chişinău. Asta este ceea ce se vede şi ascunde ceea ce nu se ştie…