Donald Trump exonerat. Acuzele de legături cu Rusia au fost dovedite totalmente false. Hoții KGB-iști strigau hoții. GreatAgain.Ro publică DOCUMENTUL Procurorului General al SUA | Ziaristi Online

Donald Trump exonerat. Acuzele de legături cu Rusia au fost dovedite totalmente false. Hoții KGB-iști strigau hoții. GreatAgain.Ro publică DOCUMENTUL Procurorului General al SUA

The Department of Justice announced Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find evidence that President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign “conspired or coordinated” with the Russian government in the 2016 presidential election. Further, Mueller did not “exonerate” the president of obstructing justice, according to Attorney General William Barr, who said his summary “sets out evidence on both sides of the question.”

“The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election“.

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