Cei 500 de români care i-au cerut Președintelui SUA Donald Trump demiterea lui Hans Klemm, ambasadorul homosexualilor. PETITION TO RECALL THE HONORABLE HANS G. KLEMM, OBAMA’S AMBASSADOR TO ROMANIA | Ziaristi Online

Cei 500 de români care i-au cerut Președintelui SUA Donald Trump demiterea lui Hans Klemm, ambasadorul homosexualilor. PETITION TO RECALL THE HONORABLE HANS G. KLEMM, OBAMA’S AMBASSADOR TO ROMANIA

Lui Hans Klemm i s-a interzis sa mai participe la Marsul homosexualilor 2018. Foto Captura 2017: GreatAgain.Ro

The Romanian FA minister just confirmed yesterday that Hans Klemm, the Obama appointed US Ambassador to Bucharest, is going to be replaced.


During his mandate, Ambassador Klemm has consistently acted in ways which offended Romanians and their values:

* aggressively promoted an anti-Christian agenda with a primary focus on advancing the homosexual agenda of the Obama Administration;

* attended the 2017 pride parade in Bucharest (for the first time, despite the fact that Republicans were at the helm of the WH);

* consistently and permanently interfered with the constitutionally mandated process for the formal adoption of the Constitutional Marriage Protection amendment in Romania’s Parliament and the amendment’s placement on the ballot in a national referendum;

* displayed the rainbow flag on the building of the United States Embassy in Bucharest etc.

Please fiind attached the Petition, signed by about 500 US and Romanian citizens, submitted in February this year to the WH, in this respect.

Let us hope the new leader of the US diplomatic mission to Romania will be a friend and not a foe of Romanian people, and also that he/she will truly represent the Republican Administration and not the George Soros clique of scumbags. For the sake of our bilateral relations.

Great Again Ro


February 2018

The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President of the United States

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

The undersigned are Romanian-American citizens of the United States, citizens of Romania, and other concerned Romanians from around the world, men and women of good faith from all walks of life, civic and religious leaders, pastors, priests, business leaders, leaders of various nongovernmental organizations, journalists, media personalities, current or former politicians, and influential persons in Romania as well as in the Romanian-American community. We address this Petition to you with utmost respect in the hope that you will consider the immediate recall of The United States’ current Ambassador to Romania, the Honorable Hans G. Klemm. Our plea rests on grounds which we deem serious and compelling.

The Ambassador Klemm has interfered in Romania’s internal affairs and has undermined Romania’s national sovereignty. We are primarily concerned that Ambassador Klemm does not represent the interests or values of United States citizens in Romania and is trampling on the values and feelings of the citizens of Romania in a manner that offends and undermines the deep friendship which has connected the United States and Romania for a long time.

For more than a century Romania has been a faithful friend and ally of the United States. Nowhere in Europe does the United States enjoy more popularity than in Romania. No other country in Europe is more friendly to the United States than Romania. No other country in Europe has proven to be a more loyal ally of the United States than Romania. Romania is also a loyal and stable member of NATO. And, along with a few other countries, Romania is one of the main pillars of the current US Administration’s policy and strategy in Europe to keep peace and security on the continent. Given these considerations, Romania’s national sovereignty should be respected and the values and convictions of its citizens honored.

Romania and its people have traditionally been very conservative, deeply religious, and highly respectful of traditional family values. Romanians, and Romanian-Americans, take pride in their Christian heritage; a heritage of faith and a commitment to Christian values unshaken despite a long history of afflicting cataclysms. Romania’s Christian heritage even withstood the nearly half a century of communist, totalitarian, and atheistic rule that ended in December 1989.

Unlike in Western Europe, Christianity and the commitment to Christian values in Romanian have grown and reached unprecedented levels. According to a massive Pew Research Center study published in May of 2017, more than 98% of Romania’s people identify as Christians. The same study showed that Romanians are deeply attached to Christian and family values which they view as central to their identity and way of life.

In spite of his awareness of Romania’s Christian heritage, Ambassador Klemm has consistently acted in ways which offended Romanians and their values. Since becoming Ambassador to Romania in September 2015, Ambassador Klemm has aggressively promoted, and continues to promote, an anti-Christian agenda with a primary focus on advancing the homosexual agenda promoted by the Obama Administration. Ambassador Klemm has participated in pride parades in Bucharest, signed Joint Declarations, along with ambassadors from other countries from the European Union, in support of pride parades, and displayed the rainbow flag on the building of the United States Embassy in Bucharest. Ambassador Klemm has constantly criticized men and women of good faith in Romania who promote conservative and traditional views related to morality, marriage, and traditional family values.

More egregiously, since 2016, Ambassador Klemm has emerged as the main opponent of a 2015 constitutional amendment, initiated by Romanian citizens, to implement the definition of the natural marriage and family in Romania’s Constitution. In 2015 and 2016, three (3) million Romanian citizens, over a period of six (6) months, signed a petition in support of the amendment; the largest number of signatures ever given, anywhere in the world, in support of such an endeavor. The sheer number of signatures unmistakably reflects the will of the people of Romania to maintain natural marriage and the natural family as the norm and main social institutions in their country. The main source of inspiration for the three million signers have been the people of the United States who between 2005 and 2015 have given millions of signatures in support of similar amendments that resulted in the amending of almost thirty (30) state constitutions to give marriage its natural and traditional meaning.

In the summer of 2016, Romania’s Constitutional Court ruled that the proposed amendment was constitutional and in May 2016 Romania’s Chamber of Deputies overwhelmingly passed the amendment. The same amendment is now pending in Romania’s Senate. However, as soon as the Constitutional Court upheld the constitutionality of the proposed amendment, Ambassador Klemm began to interfere with the constitutionally mandated process for the formal adoption of the amendment in Romania’s Parliament and the amendment’s placement on the ballot in a national referendum. To this end, Ambassador Klemm on several occasions summoned leaders of different political parties, influential politicians, and civic leaders to the United States Embassy in Bucharest to instruct them to oppose the amendment, ensure that the amendment would not pass in Romania’s Parliament, and furthermore ensure the amendment’s defeat. This interfering conduct intensified in 2017 through to today and we are of the opinion that his comments and actions are inappropriate.

The people of Romania have the right to express their view on marriage, a topic which in recent decades has become highly sensitive and important. Romanians have the same rights as the people of the United States, the people of Ireland, and the people of other countries to vote in national referenda on marriage and the family. To this point, the citizens of Australia have similarly participated in a non-binding national plebiscite on the definition of marriage.

In emerging as the main obstacle and opposition to the Romanian marriage referendum, Ambassador Klemm is acting against the will of the people of Romania and is misrepresenting the United States in Romania. The overwhelming majority of the American people object to their ambassadors engaging in actions which offend the feelings and persuasions of the countries in which they are stationed.

In conclusion, we, the undersigned, respectfully ask you, Mr. President, to consider the immediate recall of The Honorable Hans Klemm as Ambassador of the United States to Bucharest and to replace him with an ambassador who shares the Christian values and commitments of the Romania people and who will abstain from interfering in Romania’s internal affairs.

Citiți și: De ce trebuie să fie retras Hans Klemm, adjunctul ambasadorului rus Valeri Kuzmin

List of Signatories:

1. Peter Costea, Attorney, Houston, Texas 2. Dennis Stoia, Financier, Illinois 3. Rev. Cristian Ionescu, Sr. Pastor, Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church, Chicago 4. Vasilica Croitor, Pastor, Romania 5. Lucian Oniga, Youth Leader, Romania 6. Ioan Ciobota, Media Personality and Journalist, RVE, Timisoara 7. Steven Bonica, Publisher, Romanian Tribune, Chicago 8. Emanuel Grozea, Pastor, New York 9. Alexandru Neagoe, Ph D, Associate Professor, Timisoara 10. Alexandru Popa, MD, Chicago 11. Mihai Joldes, Business Leader, Cluj 12. Sorin Prodan, Pastor, Brasov 13. Felician Negrut, Medical Professional, Jebel 14. Sabina Negrut, Doctor, Jebel 15. Ionel Zaharie, President, Choose Life Ministries 16. Gabriel Alexe, Economist, Stockholm 17. Maria Goron, Medical Doctor, Cluj 18. Daniel Balan, Environmentalist, Otelu Rosu, Romania 19. Eugen Vasile Paul-Faina, Pastor, Timisoara 20. Valentin Bosneac, Medical Doctor and former Member of the Romanian Parliament, Otelu Rosu, 21. Daniel Firiza, Evangelical Leader, Romanian Diaspora, Italy 22. Mircea Detesan, Pastor, Turda, Romania 23. Dorel Muresan, Pastor, Romanian Diaspora, Australia 24. Florin Milici, Business Leader, Suceava 25. Ovidiu Dragan, Pastor, Arad 26. Alexandru Prudeanu, Medical Doctor, Timisoara 27. Ioan Chisarau, Priest, Timisoara 28. Gerda Chisarau, Professor, Timisoara 29. Matei Popa, Evangelical Leader, Deta, Romania 30. Cosmin Marius Ciui, Ramnicu-Sarat, Romania 31. Florel Biticu, Medical Professional and Business Leader 32. Irina Biticu, Medical Professional and Business Leader 33. Paul Gradinaru, Economist 34. Monica Gradinaru, Accountant 35. Teofil Curpas, Pastor, Oradea 36. Adrian Goian, Pastor, Romanian Diaspora, Austria 37. Dumitru Ignat, Business Leader, Cluj 38. Daniel Ciupac, Director, London 39. Dr. Paul Elman, LLM, Lawyer, Brussels 40. Laurian Tota, Media Producer, Bucharest 41. Vasile Maciuc, Ph D, Professor, Iasi 42. Filip Ille, Engineer, Cluj 43. Adina Ille, Psychologist, Cluj 44. Pavel Smantana, Business Leader, Iasi 45. Liviu Cananau, Engineer, Ontario, Canada 46. Vasile Morar, Engineer, Cluj 47. Marcel Lutic, Etnographer, Iasi 48. Victor Croitor, Pastor, Romanian Diaspora, Brussels 49. Robert Dinca, Business Leader, Bucharest 50. Nicolae Moigradan, Engineer, Zalau, Romania 51. Larisa Iftime, Pro-Life Leader, Bucharest 52. Bogdan Stanciu, NGO Leader, Bucharest 53. Viorel Clintoc, Pastor, Ohio 54. Estera Abrudan, Medical Professional, Sacramento 55. Codrut Hutuleac, Engineer, Timisoara 56. Dan Glazer, Professor 57. Dana Glazer, Attorney 58. Florin Iosub, Pastor 59. Dan Boingeanu, Pastor, Suceava 60. Irina Ana Toia, Jubilate Foundation, Oradea 61. Mike Borze, Business Leader, Vienna 62. Liviu Albert Rades, Engineer, Timisoara 63. Dr. Joseph Ton, Former President, Romanian Missionary Society, Wheaton, Illinois 64. Viorel Lupu, Pastor, Slatina, Romania 65. Gheorghe Ispasoiu, Professor, Dragasani, Romania 66. Petru Lascau, Pastor, Pheonix, Arizona 67. Gheorghe Ritisan 68. Constantin Leontescu, Pastor, Timisoara 69. Horatio Mihet, Chief Litigation Counsel, Liberty Counsel, USA 70. Nelu Irimus, Pastor, Romanian Disapora, Vienna 71. Pavel Cotutiu, Pastor, Romanian Diaspora, Austria 72. Vasile Opris, Pastor, Romanian Diaspora, Austria 73. Dorel Moga, Pastor, Romanian Diaspora, Austria 74. Andrei Boambes, Economist, Bucharest 75. Alexandra Oberschi, Attorney, Bucharest 76. Paul Ghitiu, Media Personality, former Member of the Romanian Parliament 77. Dr. Costel Stanciu, Professor, Bucharest 78. Marcel Bouros, Business Leader, Bucharest 79. Emil Ember, Priest, Baia Mare 80. Simona Preotu, Professor, Sibiu 81. Victor V. Tut, Pastor, Timisoara 82. Adrian Iov, Economist, Arad 83. Vasile Tofan, NGO Leader, Galati 84. Ecaterina Ionescu, Economist, Ploiesti 85. Ioan Zibut, Business Leader, Vienna 86. Viorel Candea, Business Leader, Sibiu 87. Geza Nagy, Pastor, Timisoara 88. Ioan Brisc, Pastor, Portland 89. Viorel Pop, Pastor, Constanta 90. Dr. Dinu Burzo, Author, Cluj-Napoca 91. Bonta Claudiu, Engineer, Targu Mures 92. Virgil Dan, Professor, Cluj-Napoca 93. Stefan Constantinescu, Engineer, Bucuresti 94. Sorin Dontu, Attorney, Hunedoara 95. Rodica Baciu, Business Leader, Târgu Mureș 96. Emil Mestereaga, Professor, București 97. Lucian-George Rotaru, Pastor, Constanța 98. Vlad Adrian, Pastor, Târgoviște 99. Alin Haiduc, Professor, Ocna Mureș 100. Ioan Claudiu Amarie, Professor, Hunedoara 101. Nelu Adone, Evangelical Leader, Moinești 102. Ruben Andreica, Business Leader, Ocna Mureș 103. Mircea Ardelean, NGO President, Oradea 104. Ioan Matei Baciu, Pastor, Târgu Mureș 105. Mirel Baciu, Managerial Expert, Târgu Mureș 106. Cătălin Ion Banu, Public Relations, București 107. Raul Berleanu, Evangelical Leader, București 108. Marius Boca, Professor, Bistrița 109. Marcel Botezatu, Researcher, București 110. Cornel Buhai, Engineer, Bistrița 111. Adrian Călbăjos, Business Leader, Cluj-Napoca 112. Victor Cimpean, Pastor, Bistrita 113. Liviu Cioară, Engineer, Cluj-Napoca 114. Sorin Ciurea, Business Leader, Pitești 115. Flaviu Teofil Coman, NGO President, Medgidia 116. Ion Coman, Engineer, Târgoviște 117. Daniel Hădărean, Youth Leader, Târgu Mureș 118. Istvan Dear, Secretary, Cluj-Napoca 119. Diana Haiduc, Medical Provider, Ocna Mureș 120. Dorin Dumitrașcu, NGO President, Galați 121. Evelin Dumitrașcu, Software Engineer, Galați 122. Mihai Dumitrașcu, Pastor, Galați 123. Vionela Dumitrașcu, Insurance Broker, Galați 124. Petrică Francu, Business Leader, Galați 125. Mircea Frătuțescu, CEO, Constanța 126. Laurențiu Funeriu, Strategist, Târgoviște 127. Florin Garbea, NGO President, Agigea 128. Marian Gealopu, Business Leader, Pitești 129. Ovidiu Ionel Georgiu, Business Leader, Ocna Mureș 130. Marian Ghidoarcă, Pastor, Bacău 131. Florin Ghiurău, Professor, Oradea 132. Gabriel Ispas, NGO Leader 133. Cosmin Jurj, Evangelical Leader, București 134. Silviu Mangea, Community Leader, Bistrița 135. Daniel Marinescu, Director, NGO, Timișoara 136. Luminita Marinescu, Psychologist, Timișoara 137. Mihai Adria, Doctor, Cluj-Napoca 138. Iosif Emanuel Mînjineanu, Pastor, Galați 139. Andrei Miron, Church Leader, Constanța 140. Gabriel Nicolae, Youth Leader, Constanța 141. Iacob Nicolae, Pastor, Constanța 142. Daniel Oancea, Business Leader, Pitești 143. Ionel Oltean, Software Engineer, Târgu Mureș 144. Oltean Ionel, Constructor, Târgu Mureș 145. Daniel Pădurean, Business Leader, Galați 146. Alin Panican, NGO President, București 147. Tino Pește, Attorney, Constanța 148. Stefan Petrache, NGO Leader, Constanța 149. Tudor Petrescu, Business Leader, Pitești 150. Cristian Petrescu, Business Leader, Pitești 151. Dan Andrei Predică, Business Leader, Pitesti 152. Daniel Profeanu, Consultant 153. Gheorghe Rițișan, NGO Leader, Cluj-Napoca 154. Gabriel Rodilă, Business Leader, Detroit, USA 155. Roman Mădălin, Constructor, Constanța 156. Vasile Roman, Business Leader, Medgidia 157. Ioan Sandu 158. Sas Tobias-Mihaly, NGO Vice President, Medgidia 159. Arghir Saulean, Business Leader, Târgoviște 160. Sergiu Sandu, Business Leader, Pitești 161. Alin Sigartău, Business Leader, Bistrita 162. Gabriel Șmalberger, NGO Leader, Constanța 163. Mircea Doru Stan, Business Leader, Pitești 164. Claudiu Ștefan, Economist, Târgu Mureș 165. Marius Ștefan, Business Leader, Târgu Mureș 166. Florin Strugariu, Pastor, Cernavoda 167. Otniel Suldac, Youth Leader, Bistrița 168. Madalin Telehoiu, Counselor 169. Silviu Telehoiu, Counselor, Galați 170. Teofil Berghian, Business Leader, Ocna Mureș 171. Valeriu Costea, Psychologist, Bacău 172. Nicolae Radomir, Pastor, Brussels 173. Tony Leonard Farauanu, Software Engineer, Cluj Napoca 174. Adrian Cotoi, Engineer, Kitchener, Canada 175. Mircea Neiconi, Business Leader, Hateg 176. Ciprian Bogdan, Roma Leader, Aiud 177. Ciucur Rostas, Pastor, Aiud 178. Virginia Rostas, Teacher, Aiud 179. Cristina Nita, Professor, Aiud 180. Robert Boros, Pastor, Timisoara 181. Virgil Guralivu, Pastor, Vaslui 182. Liviu Petrina, Former Member of the Parliament, Bucuresti 183. Cornel Avram, Pastor, Phoenix, Arizona 184. Beni Dranici, Pastor, Romanian Diaspora, Spain 185. Maria Preda, Professor, Arad 186. Ioan Cotrau, Pastor, Bihor 187. John Ciorba, Publisher, Romanian Times, Portland 188. Valeria Moresan, Medical Doctor, Cluj 189. Anca Remus, Software Engineer, Timisoara 190. Cornel Tudose, Engineer, Constanta 191. Maria Tudoes, Engineer, Constanta 192. Vasile Dan Bercian, Journalist, Zalau 193. Laurentiu Stoian, Business Leader, Arad 194. Anca Stoian, Professor, Arad 195. Maria-Manuela Gotia, Professor, Cluj 196. George Mioc, CEO PSI Industries, Inc., Dallas 197. Valentin Rada, Attorney, Adjunct Professor of Law, Trinity Law School, Los Angeles 198. David Ille, Medical Doctor, Cluj 199. Corneliu Bor, Software Engineer, Linz, Austria 200. Ion Nistor, Attorney, Hunedoara 201. Adriana Ioana Popita, Community Leader, Ocna Mures 202. Paraschiva Danciu, Economist, Bucuresti 203. Marius Giura, Missionary, Ulan-Ude, Russia 204. Mihai Nicolae, Attorney, Bucuresti 205. Ioan Dragan, Pastor, Linz, Austria 206. Adrian David, Evangelical Leader, Romanian Diaspora, Rome 207. Costel Anita, Military Officer (Retired), Buzau 208. Aurelian Fișcă, Business Leader, Târgu Mureș 209. Vasile Peter, Business Leader, Vienna, Austria 210. Adina Vlaicu, Economist, Germany 211. Alina Onigaș, Economist, Bistrița 212. Alexandru Csurgo, Pharmacy Manager, Timișoara 213. Alexandru Găină, Manager, Bistrița 214. Andrei Chiriac, Military Officer, București 215. Alin Isailă, Business Leader, Sibiu 216. Maria Coldea, Physical Therapist, Chicago 217. Anda Maria Danci, Medical Doctor, Cluj-Napoca 218. Alexandra Bălan, Dentist, Timișoara 219. Ana-Maria Aleman, Professional Recruiter, Cluj-Napoca 220. Adriana Baidog, Medical Doctor, Oradea 221. Anca Bordea, Journalist, Turda 222. Adina Daniela Roxin, Accountant, Cluj-Napoca 223. Adriana Boca, Economist, Bistrita, Romania 224. Anca Fonai, Real Estate Agent, Oradea 225. Lidia Murza, NGO Leader, Bistrița 226. Aurel Oniga, Attorney, Phoenix, Arizona 227. Andreea Maria Coroian, Youth with a Mission, Turda 228. Ben Toma, Representative Arizona State House, Arizona 229. Andreea Toader, Radiology Technologist, MacNeal Hospital, Chicago 230. Ene Monica, ONG Volunteer, Mediaș 231. Ana Maria Cordoș, Professor, Bistrița 232. Daniela Florina Simion, Psychologist, Mediaș 233. Benjamin Dumitru Simion, Graphic Designer, Mediaș 234. Grigore Daniel Pop, Director YWAM, Mediaș 235. Cristian Barbosu, Pastor, Arad 236. Cristian Hangea, PHP Developer, Cluj 237. Cristian Baciu, Engineer, Tg-Mureș 238. Beniamin Cristian Petrus, Business Leader, Houston 239. Dana Cornelia Petrus, Business Leader, Houston 240. Darius Dan, Interface Designer, Cluj-Napoca 241. Florin Daniel Moza, Travel Consultant, Oradea 242. Andreea Cotiga, Software Engineer, Cluj-Napoca 243. Ligia-Estera Moza, Interior Designer, Oradea 244. David Petre, Chaplain, Greenville, South Carolina 245. Cristina Anca Pop, Economist, Baia Mare 246. Daniel Mureșan, Pastor, Brașov 247. Dorin Vraja, Software Programmer, București 248. David Reguș, Professor, Suceava 249. Adina Mihaela Șerban, Pharmacist, Oradea 250. Daniel Cifor, Business Leader, Bistrița 251. Cristian Faur, Engineer, Cluj-Napoca 252. Adrian Balas, Professor, Bistrița 253. Eliza – Ionela Balas, Professor, Bistrița 254. Cristian Iancu, Pastor, București 255. Romu Mocan, Pastor, Dej 256. Cristina Camelia Zegrean, Accountant, Bistrița 257. Adrian Florin Beuca, Medical Doctor, Frankfurt, Germany 258. Florin Boghian, Business Leader, Dublin, Ireland 259. Emanuela Ricean, Economist, Cluj-Napoca 260. Rodica Daria Bereski, Economist, Gherla 261. Lucreția Cristina Neneață, Software Developer, Timișoara 262. Daniel Cazacu, Sales Director, Botoșani 263. Septimiu Boca, Engineer, Bistrița 264. Florin Vasile Bumbar, Economist, Satu Mare 265. Emil Ghiurau, Software Engineer, Troy, Michigan 266. Cristina Toadere, Business Leader, Bistrița 267. Damaris Leahu, Professor, Sibiu 268. Horațiu Bujor, Professor, Dej 269. Flaviu Teofil Coman, Pastor, Medgidia 270. Gherasim Magda, Pastor, Baia Mare 271. Ioana Mija, Medical Professional, Cluj-Napoca 272. Ioana Carmen Guşatu, Community Leader, Constanța 273. Gabriel Leontin Floruț, Professor, Oradea 274. Gabriel Sighiartău, Technology Specialist, Bistrița 275. Adrian Ioan Georgiu, Environmental Specialist, Dillenburg, Germany 276. Florina Scurtu, Ph D., Researcher, Cluj-Napoca 277. Daniel-Ovidiu Dobie, IT Consultant, Cluj-Napoca 278. Adriana Bumbar, Human Resources Specialist, Satu Mare 279. Ligia Rednic, Accountant, Baia Mare 280. Ligia Ciobanu, Interior Designer, Portland, Oregon 281. Laurențiu Petraș, Business Leader, Arad 282. Lavinia Ionescu, Medical Professional, Sacramento, California 283. Ioan Berci, Administrator, Sacramento, California 284. Flavia Nicoara, Professor, Hateg 285. George Marian, Pastor, Constanta 286. Remus Oniga, High School Principal, Bistrita 287. Ioan Balanean, Engineer, Sibiu 288. Simona Ilies, Economist, Bistrita 289. Otniel Rusu, Pastor, Constanta 290. Gabriela Lucuta, Attorney, Canada 291. Adrian Balanean, Medical Doctor, Cluj 292. Moniza Balanean, Economist, Cluj 293. Radu Croitor, Medical Doctor, Germany 294. Costel Cotirlan, Physicist Engineer, Bucuresti 295. Maria Balta, Medical Professional, France 296. Ludmila A. Firiza, Psychotherapist, Italy 297. Teofil Cotrau, Pastor, Alba Iulia 298. Emanuel Ciprian Sasu, Ph.D, Programmer, Arad 299. Ioan Fabian, Ph.D, Professor, Oradea 300. Ioan Cioara, NGO Leader, Oradea 301. Cristian Alin Pustea, Sales Agent, Oradea 302. Mircea Alin Cardos, Economist, Salonta 303. Dor Niculescu, Professor, Arad 304. Lucian Oprea, Engineer, Arad 305. Cristian Hnatiuc, Ph.D, Sales Manager, Arad 306. Oana Hnatiuc, MA, Psychologist, Arad 307. Daniel Cotrau, Attorney, Arad 308. Lavinia Cotrau, Economist, Arad 309. Alina Goilean, Engineer, Arad 310. Marcel Adrian Miclea, Engineer, Arad 311. Teodor Caciora, Ph.D, Professor, Arad 312. Ormanji Andrei, Professor, Arad 313. Ormanji Doriana, Professor, Arad 314. David Buzgau, Professor, Arad 315. Rodica Guralivu, Professor, Vaslui 316. Elsinia Guralivu , Engineer, Vaslui 317. Elvin Guralivu, Engineer, Vaslui 318. Constantin Guralivu, Economist, Vaslui 319. Thedi-Eliad, Engineer, Vaslui 320. Adinel Guralivu, Engineer, Vaslui 321. Cristian Guralivu, Engineer, Vaslui 322. Gheorge Gavrila, Retired Military, Valcea 323. Ioan Stefan Martonfi, Director, Harvest Europe Foundation 324. Mihai Luta, Professor, Neamt 325. Valentin Lixandru, Sales Manager, Bucuresti 326. Izabela Maria Popa, Analyst, Bucuresti 327. Sergiu Burca, Architect, Houston 328. Laurențiu Trica, Software Engineer, Timișoara 329. Melania Berghianu, Economist, Tg Mureș 330. Paul Berghianu, Economist, Tg Mureș 331. Lidia Preston, Therapist, București 332. Mihai Nedelea, Student, Bistrița 333. Claudiu Pop-Buia, Business Leader, Bistrița 334. Attila Pal, Manager, Ocna Mureș, Alba 335. Gheorghe Stanea, Builder, Sibiu 336. Marius Coteț, Engineer, Baia Mare 337. Sandu Ionel Vlasin, Sales Director, Baia Mare 338. Marius Daniel Petriș, Engineer, Cluj-Napoca 339. Oana Onciu, Economist, Iași 340. Ioan Matei Baciu, Business Leader, Targu Mureș 341. Miriana Lapadat, Teacher, București 342. Nicoleta Lupșa, Community Activist, Bistrița 343. Mihaela Petrovan, Economist, Turda 344. Nicolae Porumb, Barnsley Evangelical Church, Doncaster, UK 345. Naomy Pavalache, Galați 346. Marieta Marinău, Engineer, Oradea 347. Aurel Ciot, Business Leader, Vancouver, Canada 348. Mary Ciot, Business Leader, Vancouver, Canada 349. Natalia Maria Popa, Medical Doctor, Oradea 350. Marius Bodnariu, Engineer, Codlea 351. Ioan-Sorin Mureșan, Pastor, Turda 352. Constantin Leontiuc, Programmer, NGO President, Timișoara 353. Ovidiu Boldan , Economist , Zalău 354. Simona Boldan, Economist, Zalău 355. Florentina Lidia Chirilă, Sales Adviser, Oradea 356. Monica Vucina, Professor, București 357. Irina Varvara, Teacher, Bistrița 358. Daniel Volosen, Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologist, Dallas, Texas 359. Mihai Iosif Decean, Pastor, Ocna Mureș 360. Marian Bilauca, Business Leader, Timișoara. 361. Daniel Denes, Beclean 362. Simona Diana Pantea, Oradea 363. Mihaela-Dana Rusu, Caransebeș 364. Sebastian Naznean, Transportation Coordinator, Targu Mures 365. Ramona Bumbuc, Bank Officer, Baia Mare 366. Raul Suciu, Medical Doctor, Timisoara 367. Rareș Macavei, Software Engineer, Cluj Napoca 368. Roxana Wilson, Entrepreneur, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 369. Teofil Rata, Professor, South Korea 370. Roxana Puscau, Webmaster, Geneva, Switzerland 371. Simona Epure, Economist, București 372. Tiberiu Samuel Rosu, Engineer, Cluj Napoca 373. Ionatan Ovidiu David, Pastor, Cluj-Napoca 374. Viorel Emanuel Deac, Economist, Bistrița 375. Erika Meister, School Administrator, Oradea 376. SimidaViorica Mihis, Dental Specialist, Baia Mare 377. Dan Viorel Mihis, Police Officer, Baia Mare 378. Florina Maria Șerdean, University Lecturer, Cluj-Napoca 379. Andrei Vandici, Sales Adviser, Oradea 380. Rauca Simona, Teacher, Bistrița 381. Tabita Dubei, IT Analyst, Brașov 382. Otniel Sighiartau, Corporate Manager, Bistrița 383. Virgil Dan, Pastor, Cluj-Napoca 384. Călin Chiorean, General Manager, Cluj-Napoca 385. Mirela Adriana Dan, Accountant, Cluj-Napoca 386. Teodor Buia, Business Leader, Bistrița 387. Dan Stroe, Dentist, Brașov 388. Corneliu Crihalmean, Pastor, Rupea, Brașov 389. Petru Ursache, Church Elder, Botoșani 390. Valeriu Borlovan, Accountant, Timisoara 391. Nicolae Grămesc, Pastor, Suceava 392. Lucian Chiș, Pastor, Timișoara 393. Ibolya Jere, Economist, Odorheiu Secuiesc 394. Samuel Laszlo, Administrator, Odorheiu Secuiesc 395. Camelia Căpușan, Medical Doctor, Cluj – Napoca 396. Ioan Aurelian Dura, Entrepreneur, Alba Iulia 397. Florin Pop, IT Consultant, Oslo 398. Daniel Borota, Engineer, Baia Mare 399. Mircea Croitor, Pastor, Atlanta, Georgia 400. Liviu Mocan, Sculptor, Cluj-Napoca 401. Cătălin Ureche, Technical Specialist, Bistrița 402. Oana Pop, Speech Terapist, Bistrița 403. Mitică Crăciun, Software Engineer, Galați 404. Iosif Pintican, Psychologist, Bistrița 405. Maria Pintican, Economist, Bistrița 406. Darius Gonczi, Insurance Broker, Bistrița 407. Radu Dolha, Insurance Broker, Bistrița 408. Diana Roșca, Professor, Bistrița 409. Dan Andrei Predică, Manager, Bistrița 410. Edit Kantor, Psychologist, Bistrița 411. Ioan Ungureanu, Chaplain, Bistrița 412. Persida Budelecan, School Administrator, Bistrița 413. Ciprian Nodis, Manager, Bistrița 414. Ioana Hognogi, Social Worker, Bistrița 415. Ligia Pintican, Teacher, Bistrița 416. Anca Barta, Registered Nurse, Peoria, Arizona 417. Alin Barta, Pastor, Peoria, Arizona 418. Bianca Segorean, Manager, Florești, Cluj 419. Ioana Călini, Student, Bistrița 420. Maria Alexandra Pop, Student, Bistrița 421. Cristina Sătmărean, Registered Nurse, Cluj-Napoca 422. Alin Emanuel Sătmărean, Sales Specialist, Cluj-Napoca 423. Paul Sătmărean, Theologian, Cluj-Napoca 424. Alina Lascău, Professor, Surprise, Arizona 425. Bobby Lascău, Chaplain, Surprise, Arizona 426. Marius Barta, Business Leader, Peoria, Arizona 427. Gabriel Segorean, General Manager, Cluj-Napoca 428. Mircea Segorean, Software Engineer, Cluj 429. Segorean Manuela, Sales Satrategist, Cluj-Napoca 430. Emilia Sas, Registered Nurse, Cluj-Napoca 431. David Oniga, Business Leader, Peoria, Arizona 432. Ana Maria Marta, Teacher, Cluj-Napoca 433. Mihaela Pop, Physiotherapist, Cluj-Napoca 434. Grigore Vălean, Business Leader, Peoria 435. Eliza Peter, HR Manager, Austria 436. Elena Oniga, Professor, Bistrița 437. Paul Magda, Business Leader, Sacramento, California 438. Paul Oniga, Broker, Phoenix, Arizona 439. Cristian Oniga, CEO, Phoenix, Arizona 440. Ana Peter, Assistant Manager, Vienna, Austria 441. Daniela Pop, Economist, Cluj-Napoca 442. Anghel Pop, SSM Inspector, Cluj-Napoca 443. Stefania Peter, Registered Nurse, Vienna 444. Markus Peter, Manager, Vienna 445. Arabela Boczonyi, Designer, Vienna 446. Iosif Sătmărean, Philarmonic Orchestra, Cluj-Napoca 447. Pavel Sătmărean, Pastor, Cluj-Napoca 448. Mircea Croitor, Pastor, Atlanta, Georgia 449. Codruț Ciubotari-Popescu, Administrator, Suceava 450. Cosmin Avram, Pastor, Greenville, South Carolina 451. Corneliu Olan, Pastor, Atlanta, Georgia 452. Pavel Radu Matei, Attorney, Oradea 453. Vasile Antemie, Pastor, Seattle, Washington 454. Andy Olariu, Pastor, Phoenix, Arizona 455. Peter D. Moldovan, Pastor, Pheonix, Arizona 456. Sami Damsa, Evangelical Leader, Chicago 457. Mircea Berci, Pastor, Sacramento, California 458. Marius Covaci, Pastor, Charlotte, North Carolina 459. Vasile Deac, Pastor, Knoxville, Tennessee 460. Joseph Tofanel, Pastor, Waco, Texas 461. Jacob Matasaru, Pastor, Atlanta, Georgia 462. Marius Bic, Business Leader, Arad 463. Lucian Batrin, Engineer, Arad 464. Victor Martin, Engineer, Arad 465. Gregory Lucutz, California 466. Pirvu Ioan Raca, Pastor, Kitchner, Ontario, Canada 467. Titus Beniamin Cotrau, Software Engineer, Timisoara 468. Dr. Mihail Neamtu, Author “The Trump Phenomenon” 470. Marius Balan, Pastor, Deleni, Vaslui 471. Dr. Ioan Stir, Pastor, Houston, Texas 472. Mihaela Stir, Professor, Houston, Texas 473. Andrei Nicolae Daniel, NGO Leader, Targu Jiu 474. Iosif Gut, Software Engineer, Timisoara 475. Sorin Capatina, Pastor, Sibiu 476. Dr. Gelu Pacurar, Pastor, Arad 477. Teofil Traian Moga, Bucuresti 478. Beniamin Lup, President, WorldTeach, Timisoara 479. Istvan Borzasi, Ph D, Professor, Oradea 480. Corina Mitroi, Professor, Resita 481. John Sinitean, Engineer, Chicago 482. Elena Andrei, Teacher, Buzau 483. Virgil Nemoianu, Ph D, Professor Emeritus, Bethesda, Maryland 484. Victor Roncea, Journalist, Bucuresti 485. Marcu Corneliu, Pastor, Sibiu 486. Marcu Mihaela, Economist, Sibiu 487. Marcu Ana-Magdalena, Medical Student, Sibiu 488. Marcu Martha, Medical Student, Sibiu 489. Gherman Joseph, Neurosurgeon, Sibiu. 490, Ion Spanu, Journalist, Craiova

Source: Ziaristi Online

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