România liberă l-a cenzurat pe Larry Watts. Minciuna face casă bună cu corupţia din presă. Mesajul unui român către Pacepa - Ziaristi OnlineZiaristi Online

România liberă l-a cenzurat pe Larry Watts. Minciuna face casă bună cu corupţia din presă. Mesajul unui român către Pacepa

Larry Watts - Extorting Peace - Romania si sfarsitul Razboiului Rece - IBR - Ziaristi Online 10 - 13.06.2014La  începutul acestei luni, mai precis pe 2 septembrie a.c., ziarul România liberă, patronat de omul de afaceri Dan Adamescu, arestat recent la cererea DNA pentru mituirea a doi judecători, a reîncălzit o ciorbă veche de un an a agentului sovietic Ion Mihai Pacepa, a cărui fantomă încă semnează cu mândrie atribuindu-şi gradul de general al… Securităţii române. Articolul în cauză fusese publicat cu un an în urmă pe WND, un site de unde bântuie, în van, România, stafia Pacepa.

Fostul nomenklaturist comunist-securist încerca prin elucubratiile lui, amplificate de ziarul de Dâmboviţa, să atace şansele României de a primi un portofoliu important în Comisia Europeană, inventând o presupusă apartenenţă a candidatei la acest post, Corina Creţu, la… KGB. Ca şi atunci când îsi agită gradele online, clona lui Pacepa, cel mai probabil un alt corupt din presa, fostul ziarist Andrei Bădin, prins de DNA şi SRI pentru luare de mită – 5000 de lei -, nu ştie că KGB-ul s-a cam transformat. Sau dacă ştie, explică prost în articol, afirmând ca KGB-ul e FSB-ul de azi. Şi cu SVR-ul , unde se află dosarul de cadre al lui Pacepa, ce ne facem?

Pseudo-articolul, care reflectă, din păcate, şi nivelul jenant la care a ajuns România liberă sub coruptul Adamescu şi subalterna sa, anticorupta Mungiu, este un melanj de minciuni negre şi gri sau prin omisiune. Fără vreo legătură cu pretinsul subiect tratat, fantoma lui Pacepa sare de la Corinta Creţu şi Colin Powell la cauza problemelor sale  patologice: expertul american Larry Watts, acuzat de fapte imaginare şi “antisemitism” pentru simplul motiv că a relevat românilor o serie de adevăruri istorice probate cu tone de documente, foste secrete pâna nu demult. Porţia de intoxicare se încheie apoteotic, cu invocarea curcubeului lui George Bush din Piaţa Revoluţiei, moment important din vizita preşedintelui SUA în România din noiembrie 2002, care a consolidat temeinic alianţa româno-americană. Eveniment la care, după cum ar fi putut afla şi cititorii României libere, Larry Watts a fost invitat să fie alături de George Bush atât de Ambasada Americii cât şi de Preşedinţia României.

Ce s-a întamplat? Încercând să mai reducă din nivelul de otrava online oferit de încarnarea lui Pacepa, profesorul Larry Watts a plasat un comentariu în care relevă în mod acurat si elegant adevărurile maculte în înfierarea proletară publicată de România libera. Dar din comentariu nu i-a rămas decât numele, conţinutul fiind şters de pe site, ceea ce ne-a atras şi nouă, de altfel, atenţia.

Larry Watts cenzura Romania libera Pacepa

Aşa că ne-am adresat autorului comentariului invizibil de mai sus. Larry Watts ne-a explicat că acesta a stat o vreme, cu tot cu conţinut, “în aşteptare”, după care a fost cenzurat. Un comentariu similar fusese postat de istoricul american şi pe site-ul “sursa” al României libere, publicaţia din Statele Unite, unde, însă, fusese aprobat, conform normelor bunului simţ.

Este de amintit că dr. Larry Watts l-a executat definitiv pe agentul sovietic Ion Mihai Pacepa în două articole care ar merita să fie introduse într-un manual al contra-dezinformării: Mr. Pacepa’s Disinformation I: Romania’s Anti-Vatican Operations şi Mr. Pacepa’s Disinformation II: Anti-Jewish Operations, publicate în traducerea românească şi de Ziaristi Online.

În numele adevarului, portalul Ziaristi Online este onorat să spele, cât de cât, din obrazul pătat al celei care a fost, o dată, presa română, şi publică aici comentariul suprimat de ziarul condus materialist-ideologic de tandemul corupt-anticorupt Adamescu-Mungiu cât şi comentariul unui român de pe blogul din SUA unde a apărut materialul lui Pacepa, un mesaj care sintetizează, credem noi, starea de ură la adresa României, care îl stăpâneşte şi defineşte pe mitomanul cronic sovietic cât şi pe succesorii săi.

Iată comentariul lui Larry Watts cenzurat în România – dar nu şi in America:

“My dealings with Romania during the communist period were hardly “sentimental,” they were my professional preoccupation as a Sovietologist.

The “rather fancy villa” to which Pacepa refers was the Bucharest headquarters of the Princeton-based and Carnegie-sponsored Project on Ethnic Relations (PER) that I headed as PER’s senior consultant from 1993 through 1997. It belonged to the Romanian Army and not the intelligence service when PER moved in, and it permitted PER to provide free housing for the various conflict resolution specialists, sociologists and senior police officers from the United States who donated their time and expertise to assist Romania.

My book “With Friends Like These: The Soviet Bloc’s Clandestine War Against Romania” (2010) is not “aimed at rehabilitating the despicable Nicolae Ceausescu.” It is about Romania’s behavior as a state actor within the Soviet alliance and internationally, and it examines that dynamic under both Ceausescu and his predecessor, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej.

Nor do I make the ridiculous claim that the CIA somehow blocked the Romanian dictator from realizing his ‘inner-democrat’ – whose existence Pacepa hypothesizes, not I. My book focuses on Romania’s struggle for independence from the USSR and the Warsaw Pact’s countermeasures to further entangle it and isolate it from international partners.

Although my 1993 book “Romanian Cassandra” has little to do with the topic at hand, I would note that there were other reviewers than than Pacepa who judged the work “admirable,” including Sherman David Spector (American Historical Review (Vol. 99, No. 4 October 1994) and Dennis Deletant, who called it “one of the most penetrating views in English of inter-war Romanian politics” (Slavonic and East European Review Vol. 74, No. 1 January 1996).

On November 23, 2002 I had the pleasure of sitting on the dais behind President George W. Bush when he gave his famous “rainbow” speech. I was invited by the Romanian presidency for my role in PER’s inter-ethnic mediations and for my work on security sector reform and NATO integration. I was also invited to attend by the U.S. Embassy.

Larry L. Watts”

Şi iată şi ce punere la punct a primit clona lui Pacepa pe site-ul WND, de la un român care merită aplaudat. Citiţi până la capat:

“Unlike many on this forum, I read Dr. Watts’s book, “With Friend Like These”… It is a document, based on newly disclosed Warsaw Pact documents, which are marvelously ignored by political leaders in the United States. Those documents indicate, without any reasonable doubt, and can be easily verified, that Romania’s foreign policy was very much pro-Western. Romania was also decried by all members of Warsaw Pact as being a detractor in the Soviet Bloc. These are documents, folks. We are not talking about “memories” of an 84 years old agent, or double agent like Mr. Pacepa who remembers odd things (like for example Mr. Pacepa published in 2007 that he executed a prisoner swap between the Vatican and Romania in 1959. The problem is … he lied. Because the prisoner he pretends he swapped in order to engratiate himself with the Vatican was … dead in 1954. Augustin Pacha, which Mr. Pacepa claims he swapped had died in house arrest in Romania). But let’s move forward. All Mr. Pacepa writes is based on his “memory” and little of that is also supported by documents. In order to gain “credibility” he also writes about true facts, like Nicholson, but that’s not an information he held, this is public knowledge since long time ago. I read Mr. Watts’ book. At the time Mr. Pacepa defected, eventually to the U.S.A., Romania and Ceausescu were in very good relations with the USA, Ceausescu was appreciated by Carter and his role in negotiating crises was well known. The fact of the matter is, before Mr. Pacepa defected and some time after that, Romania had good relationship with the USA. It was AFTER Mr. Pacepa defected that Romania lost its status of “Most Favorite Nations” … and the USA basically isolated Romania. Now, let’s come back to present time. Romania is in very good relationship with the USA. In fact, the European Missile Defense Shield, that’s scheduled to be finalized next year, has one of its most important components on Romanian territory. Russia has continuously and viciously campaigned against it. The Missile Defense Shield built by Americans on Romanian territory is a testimony to the good relationship the countries share today. What Mr. Pacepa’s new book does, is to poison this relationship, exactly like his Red Horizons did. In his book, and all throughout these nonsensical articles (with little widely known facts and a lot of personal “deductions”) Mr. Pacepa is basically claiming that Romania remains to this day an ally of the Russians, despite the efforts made to be friends. I am sorry, Mr. Pacepa, as a Romanian citizen who follows politics and objective observer, one who also reads … I must say you have never worked to help Romania, You helped to poison relationship between Romania and the USA. This is obvious already. Also, Mr. Pacepa, you continue to call yourself Lt. General … you are a Securitate (Secret Police) Lt. G-ral. Why do you keep these shameful grades? In your 27 years working with the Romanian Securitate, there must have been, probably, many times you signed persecutions of political dissidents, to put it mildly. Why do you continue to carry these shameful Securitate degrees? You stated on public television, that you never received a dime from the Romanian Government for your 27 years on the field of work, that you don’t receive pension to this day, However, your lawyer called right after you to tell the public that you WERE indeed collecting pension since 2005, that he has the documents to prove it. And, Mr. Pacepa, who made it possible for you to receive this pension, if not Mr. Iliescu Ion Illich, himself? Mr. Pacepa, get real and stop hurting Romania, stop hurting Romanian-American relationship. You’ve done enough.”

Sursa: Ziaristi Online


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